Google AdSense - How to Make a Real Income From Google AdSense Effortlessly

Google AdSense business can be an excellent source to supplement your income or profits. But, many people make the mistake of using it as their main source of income. The problem here is that Google is pretty harsh on people who try to cheat and will shut out your ads. At times, this can happen even without your knowledge.
Choosing your pick
Monetizing your website need not depend entirely on Google AdSense business. When you provide information value to your content, you can also provide related product reviews or articles on that topic. If these do not engage the visitor, perhaps he will click your AdSense ad.
Affiliate programs
You should do a fair bit of homework before monetizing the topics with AdSense. Searches will reveal niche areas. But, are all the niche areas identified going to work for you and bring in Google AdSense profits or income? Not always, and therefore, identify those niches where advertisers are willing to spend decent sums of money. Don't get carried away by commission percentages alone. $10x2%x100 = $20, whereas $10x15%x7 =$10.5.
Where do you find the high paying topics?
Well, open a Google AdSense Business account and build a new campaign. Use the estimate traffic button to see what your keywords are worth. Google gives you the cost per click for each keyword. Look for the most expensive keywords in the list and then optimize your own pages for that keyword. Now look at the flow of income and profits from Google AdSense business.

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